четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

buenos aires video

This debate was a great case study on the characteristics and attributes of these two candidates.� By that measure, John McCain is utterly, absolutely unprepared to be President, and Barack Obama deserves to win in a massive landslide on November 4th.� This debate proved, once and for all, that John McCain cannot control his emotions, takes everything too personally, and lacks substantive policies, having chosen to focus his campaign on attacking the other guy instead.� And it proved that Obama not only is prepared to be President, but has the demeanor that is necessary for a President to have - especially in these times.

Once again we saw from John McCain a despicable performance by a despicable man running a despicable campaign.� Everything about John McCain tonight exuded hatred and condescension towards Barack Obama.� On virtually every single response in this debate, McCain chose to attack Obama rather than promote his own policies.� His body language and facial expressions once again illustrated the disdain that McCain has for Obama.� Combine the attack-heavy substance of McCainapos;s responses with his body language and behavior, and it is clear that John McCain lacks the temperament to be President.� I think he has a fundamental weakness in that he lacks the ability to control his emotions, and he takes things far too personally.� Everything is a war with John McCain, and the last thing this country needs is someone with that kind of mentality and demeanor in the White House.�

Perhaps we should not be too surprised with McCainapos;s emotional and personal weaknesses, given that this is a man who justifies his campaignapos;s smears against Obama on the ground that Obama refused to do town hall debates with him.� The two things are completely unrelated, yet McCain uses one as a justification for the other.� It only goes to illustrate the vindictiveness of John McCain, yet another characteristic that would do more harm than good in the Oval Office.

As for Obama, I thought tonight was his coolest performance yet, which is quite impressive given that he was up against a fire-and-brimstone John McCain who was hell-bent on attacking Obama no matter what.� By staying above the fray again, Obama was far more coherent in presenting an overarching message and in fleshing out the policy details that comprised that message than John McCain was.� Indeed, it was difficult to even determine what John McCainapos;s overall message was in this debate, other than attacking Obama.� The only other messages McCain even remotely got across was that he wants to cut corporate taxes and that he wants to drill for oil offshore.� Meanwhile, Obama was able to rifle off policy after policy, resulting in perhaps his best part of the debate when he discussed his healthcare plan.� The look on McCainapos;s face when Obama corrected McCainapos;s attack about health insurance fines was priceless.

Perhaps in another debate, at another time, against another candidate, McCainapos;s attack-laden strategy would have worked.� McCain probably would have destroyed a candidate like John Kerry by engaging in the angry right wing fire-and-brimstone "be scared of the other guy" message that he tried to sell tonight.� But against Obama, it has not worked before tonight and it still didnapos;t work tonight.� And itapos;s not going to work tomorrow either, no matter how much John McCain, Republican talk show radio hosts, Sarah Palin, or the McCain campaign may want it to.� Like the prior debates, I think McCainapos;s message tonight will only sell to the right wing of the Republican Party.� Everyone else will once again see Obama as the winner, and I suspect he will do exceptionally well with the independents and moderates - a crucial voting demographic that the McCain campaign has alienated with the smearfest it has engaged in for the past few years.

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